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True Fantasies

Exploring dreams and fantasies reveals aspects of ourselves.  The characters show us who we are and our reason for being.

"True Fantasies:Shadows in the Mind", is a tale about a soul family with a noble purpose, travelling through a series of lifetimes.

Some incur karmic debt and choose future lives that offer opportunities for atonement.  Others return to assist them as they purify their souls so they can fulfill their common destiny.

Perhaps by reading my story, your imagination will be stirred and you will be inspired to explore your own true fantasies and discover how the characters in your dreams have played major roles in the shaping of your life to this point in time. 

We share many fantasies.  If you find yourself among the characters in my book, you may find that many of the other characters are familiar to you as well, appearing in your life to support you, challenge you, or just to teach you love, understanding and bring out the best qualities in you or show you the ones you want to change.

"True Fantasies: Shadows in the Mind" is available in paper back (large print) at Create Space and at Amazon on kindle ebooks